Early Admissions Exercise
Apply for your dream course in NP based on your aptitudes and interests via the EAE, an aptitude-based admissions exercise. The admission offer is conditional, based on your final O-Level grades.
You must be:
a. Singapore Citizens (SC) and Permanent Residents (PR) who have registered to sit for the GCE O-Level examinations in the year of Poly EAE;
b. International Students enrolled in government, government-aided and Independent Schools during the year of Poly EAE application, and who have registered to sit for the GCE O-Level examinations in the year of Poly EAE.
- Apply via the Early Admissions Exercise portal
- Application period is from 20 to 26 June 2024
- Choose up to 3 courses and submit a write-up detailing your interest and aptitude for each course
- List your accomplishments that are relevant to the course.
- Show us your aptitude for applied learning through activities that you have joined.
- Talk about your CCAs that are relevant to the course.
- Draft your write-up on paper first, then get someone to give you feedback.
- Focus on key highlights because you have a limited amount of characters.
You will be notified during the EAE selection stage if you are shortlisted for an interview.
Present a portfolio and showcase your aptitude, passion and commitment. The portfolio should include evidence of awards certificates, CCAs, key activities, work samples, or other interests and hobbies.
Final selection is based on interview performance and portfolio.
Check your application results at EAE portal and accept the posting
If you change your mind after accepting the posting, submit your withdrawal online. Otherwise, you cannot participate in the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) after the release of your O-Level results
If your application is successful, you will be granted a conditional posting
The condition is that you are required to sit for the ‘O’ Level examinations and obtain a net ELR2B2* score of not more than 26 points [*ELR2B2 = English Language (EL) + 2 Relevant Subjects (R2) + 2 Other Best Subjects (B2)] and meet the Minimum Entry Requirements (MER) for the course that you are offered.
Your conditional posting will be confirmed if you meet the above criteria upon the release of GCE O-Level examination results in January.
You will receive an enrolment package in 3 to 4 weeks with instructions on how to accept your offer online.
Joint Admissions Exercise
Apply for your dream course in NP via the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), conducted annually for Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level holders. Admissions is based on academic merit and subjected to available vacancies of the diploma courses.
You must be a Singapore Citizen; or Singapore Permanent Resident with valid GCE O-Level results from any year; or International student studying in a Government, Government-Aided, or an Independent School with valid 2023 GCE O-Level results.
Entry to polytechnic is based on your net ELR2B2 aggregate (minus CCA bonus points).
ELR2B2 = English Language (EL) + 2 Relevant Subjects (R2) + 2 Other Best Subjects (B2)
Our courses are categorized into 4 aggregate types:
- ELR2B2-A: Aggregate score for Humanities & Media related courses
- ELR2B2-B: Aggregate score for Business related courses
- ELR2B2-C: Aggregate score for Engineering, Science, Facility Management and IT related courses
- ELR2B2-D: Aggregate score for Architecture and Design related courses
Please click here ( 33KB) for more information on relevant subjects.
You are granted CCA bonus points if you obtained the following CCA grade:
- Excellent (A1 to A2) = 2 points
- Good (B3 to C6) = 1 point
Check our course pages if you meet the minimum entry and medical requirements.
Course intake and JAE ELR2B2 give an indication of the competitiveness of entry to various courses. JAE ELR2B2 vary from course to course and from one intake to the next. It provides a general indication of the standard of results required for admission and the competitiveness of entry to the course.
You will receive your O level results on 11 January 2024.
Apply online through the Joint Admissions Exercise-Internet System (JAE-IS) using a valid SingPass. Application period is 6 calendar days starting from the release of 'O' Level results. If your preferred course is listed in JAE Form A, you are eligible to apply.
Maximise your chances and utilise all 12 choices to improve your chances of getting into your dream NP course.
- First 4 choices: Choose what you’re passionate about even if you don’t meet the past year’s JAE ELR2B2 range.
- Next 4 choices: Put courses which you're interested in and for which your net aggregate score is close to the past year’s JAE ELR2B2 range.
- Last 4 choices: Include less competitive courses that you clearly qualify for. For example, choose courses with JAE ELR2B2 range well above your aggregate score.
- The posting results of the JAE application will be released on 1 February 2024 on the JAE-IS portal. An SMS will also be sent to the mobile number provided during registration.
- You will receive an enrolment package in 3 to 4 weeks with instructions on how to accept your offer online via our Enrol website.
JAE Appeal
- The 2024 JAE Online Appeal period is from 1 February 2024 (tentative).
- You may submit an appeal application for up to six polytechnic diploma and/or ITE Higher Nitec courses, where
- you have met the course minimum entry requirements, and
- your aggregate score is equal or better than that of the last student successfully posted into the course under the 2024 JAE.
- Successful JAE appeal will have your original JAE posting revoked. Otherwise, you are allowed to keep your original JAE posting only if you are unsuccessful in the JAE Appeal Exercise.
- The result of your appeal will be released online at 21 February 2024 (tentative). Visit the JAE Appeal Exercise portal for details.
Direct Admissions Exercise
The Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) allows applicants whose qualifications are ineligible under JAE and EAE to apply for admission to our full-time diploma courses. Admission is based on academic merit and subjected to available vacancies of the diploma courses.
- Year 2022 or earlier years - From government, government-aided and independent schools in Singapore, OR
- Year 2023 or earlier years - From private schools or as private candidates
- Former polytechnic students seeking re-admission to the polytechnic.
- Apply via the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) portal.
- Application period is from 11 January 2024, Thursday to 16 January 2024, Tuesday.
- Your supporting documents should be uploaded to the DAE portal during the online application.
- You can include up to 3 choices in NP for which you are eligible.
- You will only receive 1 offer if successful.
- The outcome of your application will be released online through the DAE Portal by 1 April 2024, Monday.
- If your application is successful, you will receive an enrolment package with instructions of how to accept your offer online.
- The period between receiving your package and your course registration appointment can be as short as one or two days, and it is very important that you accept the offer during the appointment.
- You can accept your offer online via eEnrol portal. Other information including payment of fees, application for financial assistance schemes and orientation period can also be found in both the package and the portal.