Navigating Gen AI -
Our Commitments and Strategies

Our Views
Gen AI is a game-changer that is here to stay, rapidly evolving and set to be everywhere. We see a future where people are empowered rather than replaced by Gen AI.
As an institution of higher learning, NP has a crucial role in contributing to Singapore’s Smart Nation drive in AI leadership. It is important to equip our learners and staff with AI skills for their personal and professional success.
Our Approach
NP will embrace Gen AI to enhance teaching, learning, and work. We will purposely integrate Gen AI education into all courses, and tap on Gen AI to boost campus productivity.

Our Commitment
Embracing the CREST approach, we encourage our staff and students to harness the opportunities presented by the Gen AI advancements, while upholding academic integrity and data privacy.
Curriculum & Campus
Responsible Use
Safe Use
Tech Ecosystem
Our Strategies
Every NP diploma to have Gen AI learning experiences in at least one module at every level of study.
Every NP student to understand Gen AI capabilities and constraints and learn the appropriate use of Gen AI.
Every NP lecturer will be provided training, guidance, and resources to support their exploration and applications of Gen AI in T&L.
All NP staff will be encouraged to acquire knowledge and try out suitable Gen AI applications for work productivity.
As Gen AI evolves, we are dedicated to continually refine our approach, keeping people at the heart of all we do. We will ensure our policies are ethical and prioritise what is best for all stakeholders.