NP in the News

NP students design solutions to solve life problems

16 Mar 2019    |   Lianhe Zaobao

There is a common theme that runs through the graduation projects done by graduating students from NP’s School of Design & Environment (DE). The students hope that their works will help users solve their problems. DE held an exhibition showcasing the projects done by a total of 52 students. Loh Yizhi, a Product Design & Innovation student, designed an eating aid that assists elderly users to scoop food and liquid with one hand. As his grandfather has been suffering from dementia for years and lack coordination, Yizhi realised how messy and inconvenient it is for both the user and caregivers when it comes to meal times. As such, he designed a simple clip that can be attached to bowls and plates to reduce food wastage.

Another student, Marc Er, designed a shoe that uses TCM electrotherapy to stimulate nerves and muscle tissues to relieve symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and indigestion. His father, who is a TCM practitioner, guided him on acupuncture points. He also took up TCM as an interdisciplinary module in school.

DE senior lecturer Boey Chee Kong said: “In recent years, students have been designing human-centric products. We always tell our students to think about how they can help to solve human inconveniences.”

NP students design solutions to solve life problems