NP in the News

Graduating with a bang

21 Oct 2022

NP Principal & CEO Lim Kok Kiang (left) turned up to show his support for the NP Cares Walk Fiesta.

Graduating students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) created happy, unforgettable memories of their final year in Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) through a series of campus-wide and school-based activities held from August to November.

As these students had their first two years of poly impacted by Covid-19 restrictions and missed out on much of campus life, GradFest was organised to bring the cohort together through bonding activities.

To get the graduating class to leave NP with a caring heart and a greater sense of belonging to their alma mater, the series of activities centred around the themes of caring for the environment, the community and the students’ well-being.

Two campus-wide activities – NP Cares Walk Fiesta and Dance Heist – took part in October. 

NP Cares Walk Fiesta on 20 October saw hundreds of students and staff turning up at NP sports complex to walk together – for charity. For every 300m they walked, they contributed a bowl of white rice, a bowl of brown rice and a bowl of instant oats to needy families. Students and staff alike also had fun at a carnival, where there were games, food and performances galore.

As part of the NP Cares Walk Fiesta, a carnival with food, games and performances galore was held.

Another campus event, Dance Heist, held on 21 October, saw students from the different schools pitting their dance skills against one another in the spirit of good fun. The School of Humanities & Social Sciences finally emerged champion. 

Students from the School of Humanities & Social Sciences taking their victory photo with NP Principal & CEO Lim Kok Kiang.

You can watch a short clip of the fun-filled and action-packed event.


The School of Health Sciences was the first to roll out its GradFest celebration on 19 August.

This started with a mental wellness workshop in the morning, followed by a civic internship workshop and ended with a charity walk at Ngee Ann Sports Complex. 

The highlight was a food and game carnival which featured a live music band, movie screening, and even a portable water dunking machine.

Third-year nursing student Ryan Krishnan, who was part of the organising team, said that GradFest was the first large-scale event for his cohort on campus.

He added: “I am grateful to the school for organising these fun and meaningful activities for us. As we change our tutorial group every semester, it was good to be able to reconnect with former classmates again.”

(Left) Nursing student Ryan Krishnan trying out the F1 simulator at the carnival; (right) HS lecturer Brandon Sng sportingly allowed himself to be dunked at the water dunking machine. 

Meanwhile, graduating students from the School of Design & Environment had a three-day celebration from 17 to 20 October. 

There were handicraft workshops and a marketplace for students to trade in items, as well as a showcase of students’ works called Illuminated Architecture.

A total of 7 staff and 33 graduating students also went on a guided tour to Chek Jawa wetlands to learn about its eco-features.

Design & Environment students visited Chek Jawa in Pulau Ubin to learn about its eco-features.

The students learnt the history and geology of the area from their tour guides. One delighted student said: “We soaked in the scenery from the top of a tower, saw monkeys, crabs and mangroves, and even got to try some medicinal plants straight from the tree!”