NP in the News

Cat lover attends classes at NP to learn how to care for small animals

29 Jan 2019    |   Lianhe Zaobao

Ms Chen Weizhen has loved animals from a young age, and had always wanted to become a veterinarian. However, she wasn’t able to further her studies, due to her family’s financial situation. Now a retiree, the 60-year-old former bank manager finally found time to pursue her dream. She discovered that NP offers short courses in animal care through its National Silver Academy. She first attended the dog grooming course, even though she doesn’t have a pet dog. She said: “I borrowed my daughter’s dog for the classes. I even trimmed its fur and nails!” She also signed up for a therapeutic dog massage course and a basic first aid course for pets. Ms Chen said that there are usually about 10 participants in each class. “The instructor is very experienced. For example, I learnt how to lower my voice to help the animal relax. I have five cats at home, and I was able to use the skills I’ve learnt in class to better care for my pets. Ms Chen added that she used the SkillsFuture Credit to sign up for the courses. Lianhe Zaobao © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reproduced with permission.
