Build My Business

Want to turn your business ideas into reality but not sure where to begin?

Get tips and expert advice on how to run a successful start-up. 

Enrol in Entrepreneurship First Steps for Graduates (EFS For Grads) course

This 12-hour online course for NP Graduates helps you develop the knowledge, attitude and skills required to become a successful entrepreneur. You will learn how to identify the right opportunities, build your start-up and grow your business. You will also receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course.

Click here to find out more! 



Schedule a free consultation at The Sandbox

The Sandbox, NP’s Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, can help you take your business idea to the next level by providing you with insights and clarifying your concerns.

Our staff are on hand to support you and offer advice on the following and more:

  • Steps to building a brand
  • Marketing
  • Ideation
  • Mobile photography
  • Videography
  • Emerging areas such as FinTech

Schedule your free consultation at The Sandbox by writing to